My Dresslily Christmas Wishlist

Hey guys all right? Did you realize that we are already at the end of November? The year has passed so quickly after a while is Christmas. Dress up the house, assemble the tree, pick a look, speaking of year-end clothes, do you know Dresslily? That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

Do you love this time of year too? As a child watching American movies, I have always dreamed of spending Christmas in the snow with a huge tree full of boxes around. Remember that scene in Home Alone? When does Kevin visit the Rockefeller Center?

Home Alone

It was at that moment that I fell in love with New York. Ice skating maybe not because it would surely fall haha ​​but admire the Christmas decoration, all those people skating, buying presents, is a universe that close my eyes and have the dream of being part.

Another movie that reminds me a lot of Christmas is Bridget Jones’s diary. Who can forget those sweaters made by Mark Darcy’s mom? Even Bridget was presented with a remember? His had a moose and hers was all colorful haha ​​I always found this scene very fun.

Bridget Jones’s diary

Speaking of sweater and Christmas season I recently got to know Dresslily and found that the store has some pieces that resemble American movies a lot. So I made a selection to share with you.

This red mini dress is Bridget Jones style. The first time I saw him I imagined her wearing it. Remember when she shows up at the bunny-dressed party? Yeah, I remembered this scene when I chose it.

Mark Darcy and Bridget Jones style

Santa Claus Sweater | Bandeau Velvet | Christmas Elk Plaid | Christmas Sweater | Choker Necklace

And you like this time of year? Do you choose special clothes for Christmas and New Year? Is there a movie you like to watch over Christmas? Tell us!

Ah, Dresslily delivers its products in any country. Then you can go to the website and do your Christmas shopping. And the best discount using code GBJKNO 🙂

See you in the next post, Érika ♡

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8 Comentários

  1. Olá Érika,
    Eu amo essa época do Natal e amo principalmente as roupas e acessórios que podemos usar nessa época do ano. Amo conhecer essas lojas gringas, exatamente por elas nos oferecer produtos bem diferentes e que fazem nossa cabeça. Amei o vestido do número 3 e essa chocker está perfeita demais, estou babando aqui a querendo. Arrasou na wishlist!


  2. Sou mais uma que amou a choker, muito linda e estilosa! As lojas gringas arrasam no quesito festividade e com o Natal não poderia ser diferente! Muitos produtos maravilhosos!

  3. Eu amo essas lojas gringas porque elas entram de fato no espírito das festividades. Eu fiquei encantada com essa choker, com certeza eu compraria.
    Irei dar uma olhada em outras peças.

  4. Amei sua wishlist Erika, principalmente os sweaters, este site tem tantas coisas lindas é difícil resistir, rsrs, Um grande beijo :*

  5. Eu como gosto de acessórios amei a choker hahahah Amo choker pro natal acho que cairia bem hahahahaha Belo post, bjinho

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